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The poor in India are suffering from the coronavirus pandemic.


Many have lost their jobs. Many are unable to afford food and other essentials.  Many are homeless. Many are separated from their families. Many are forced to walk hundreds of miles in the scorching heat just to get back home (due to multiple lockdowns). Some have even taken their own lives. They are terrified and distraught.


The second wave was even worse than the first. Hospitals were overwhelmed. Patients couldn't get access to oxygen supplies. Hundreds of thousands died. Even more were infected with life changing effects. And it is still going on.


So far we have distributed thousands of food kits and other essentials including oxygen concentrator. But it is nowhere near to what is needed.


So, we need your help. One basic food kit costs just £20 (approx. Rs. 2000). Please support by donating an amount of your choice. It makes a huge difference.

The link to donate is or click on the donate button below:

If you would like to know more, please send us an email to


Let us together change lives and transform communities with the love of Christ!

Articles about the suffering of the poor in India due to covid-19 lockdown:

Covid-19 in India: Cases, deaths and oxygen supply

India Covid pandemic: Delhi calls for army help amid crisis

India Covid: Delhi hospitals plead for oxygen as more patients die

Coronavirus: India's pandemic lockdown turns into a human tragedy -

Coronavirus: The children struggling to survive India's lockdown -

Coronavirus in India: Desperate migrant workers trapped in lockdown -

Indians Forced Into Quarantine Are Dying in Lockdown—but Not From Coronavirus -

The human cost of India's coronavirus lockdown: Deaths by hunger, starvation, suicide and more -

Christian Action for India -Contact

Christian Action for India (CAFI) is a UK registered Christian charity and mission organisation. Our Primary Objective is to financially and spiritually support and serve the poor and persecuted individuals and communities in the nation of India. Our inspiration is Jesus Christ and our aim is to provide a tangible demonstration of his love through charity and compassion.

Contact us below for more information.


Registered Charity: 1144086

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